How to Develop Leadership Skills

Leadership skills are important in a range of different careers and job roles. In order to progress in some businesses, you need to demonstrate you have good leadership skills and can manage a team of people. In this article, we take a look at ways you can develop leadership skills on your own and potentially ways you can get help from your company.

Take on more responsibility 

If you choose to take on more responsibility at work, you’ll be faced with new challenges and situations. This can help you to develop new skills, including leadership skills. Don’t take on responsibilities that are way beyond your current skill set; this could set you up for failure. Instead, opt for things that will be achievable, even if you need to take time out of your day to learn new skills and speak to new people. 

Recognise good leaders 

In most businesses, there are good leaders and ones that aren’t as effective. Suppose you learn to recognise the good leadership skills displayed in your organisation. In that case, you can take note of the leader’s behaviours and communication methods and utilise these in your job role. It’s also good to learn to recognise when a leader is ineffective, and their techniques aren’t working. This way, you can avoid making the same mistakes. 

Find creative solutions 

A good leader can find a creative way to solve a problem. They think outside the box and use their knowledge, experience and understanding to find new solutions. When tackling a problem, take your time and think of several different ways to solve the problem before deciding or presenting your idea to the team.

Consider the whole picture

One trait of a good leader is taking the time to consider the whole picture rather than the immediate impact of a decision. It might feel like a good leader is making things more challenging for the people they’re working with, but this is often not the case. Their expert knowledge and ability to see the big picture can change their decisions and their instructions to the people who work for them. 

Delegate and trust your team

Part of leadership development is understanding your own strengths and weaknesses. Good leaders know that they’re only as strong as their weakest team members. They can’t do everything themselves and need to delegate and trust people to be successful. This can be challenging when your team is not well-skilled. However, a good leader will take the time out to teach their team members new skills and how to do their jobs effectively. They will also allow team members to make mistakes and learn from these mistakes before helping them or replacing them.

Accept criticism

Everyone can develop and improve in their job role. As a leader, you need to accept criticism and use the criticism to develop your personal and technical skills to become a better leader. An arrogant leader won’t accept criticism and may continue to do things wrong, despite other team members disagreeing. This can cause conflict and isn’t the best way to tackle a problem. 

Keep learning 

Knowledge and skills aren’t static; they must be continually worked on and developed over your career. A good leader will be on top of the latest industry trends and be aware of the latest leadership movements. You can also learn by enrolling in leadership courses to help develop your skills. Many businesses have budgets for learning and development, and you might be eligible to use this budget to help you progress as a leader. 

Develop your communication skills

A key part of being a great leader is effective communication skills. This means being able to talk to people from a variety of backgrounds and help them to understand and listen to complex problems. It also means listening and responding appropriately to people’s questions and concerns without personal judgement. A leader with good communication skills will also be able to pick up when employees are having a challenging time, even if they do not verbally communicate it directly. To develop better communication skills, put yourself in different situations out of your comfort zone and research the best ways to communicate.


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